Adventuring between seasons in #AlmostHeaven

With water-sports nearly wrapped up for the season and the slopes not yet snowy, it may seem like adventure is on hold. This couldn’t be further from the truth in #AlmostHeaven. Give these 5 activities a try to stay out of an adventure rut.

Rock Climbing

Whether you are a boulder expert or a true first-timer, rock climbing is the perfect way to enjoy our state’s natural architecture. With no shortage of beginner routes and a wide variety of guide services, anyone can become a climber in West Virginia. Experienced climbers can also find challenging summits in any of our major rock climbing areas.


It may be a bit chilly for an overnight camping trip this time of year, but that doesn’t mean you need to stay inside. West Virginia is home to a wide variety of day hikes that will still allow you to cozy up in a warm bed at night. Looking for waterfalls or scenic overlooks? We have you covered here in #AlmostHeaven. Don’t forget to layer up for your trek! Having the ability to take off or add a layer is a must this time of year.

Mountain Biking

As the future home of the 2021 World Mountain Biking Championship, it is no question that West Virginia is a bikers paradise. The Snowshoe Highlands Ride Center has just recently achieved a Silver designation, making it a top spot for mountain bikers worldwide. Whether you give this area a try or hit up one of the other endless trails across the state, you will not be disappointed.


As a true year-round activity, off-roading is perfect for thrill seekers this in-between season. Sprawling across the rolling hills of Southern West Virginia, the Hatfield-McCoy Trails await. The 8 different trails making up this popular system have something for everyone, each with varying difficulties and terrains.


It may be too cold to go for a dip, but West Virginian waters can still be enjoyed this season! Our wide-open lakes and rolling rivers are the perfect place to cast a line. A regional pastime, fly fishing for brook trout is something fun to try even in the late fall. Don’t forget that as temperatures fall, trout are often found in deeper pools!

Adventure can be found year-round in #AlmostHeaven! Get ready for next season by snagging your copy of our Travel Guide now.

Travelers visiting West Virginia are encouraged to check the status of individual businesses before taking a trip. A statewide indoor face-covering requirement is in effect and visitors are encouraged to maintain a safe social distance when traveling the state.

This post was last updated on December 4, 2024