Tastes from Around the World
Good Shepherd Caregivers invites our friends and community to join us for our 10th Annual Tastes from Around the World at the Bavarian Inn on Wednesday, October 3rd at 6:30 p.m. This event will feature various wines and international cuisines chosen from selected locations around the world. Ticket prices are $70 and can be purchased online at www.gsivc.org, or by calling 304-876-3325. For more information feel free to contact us at any time.
Interactive Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre – “Murder in the Choir Loft”
Join the Friends of Music for a murder mystery dinner theater performance at Shepherdstown's Bavarian Inn the evening of Friday, May 19. It will combine a plated three-course dinner and an original, lighthearted murder mystery performed by Murder Mysteries Will Travel, a professional acting troupe from Winchester, VA. The mystery will be entitled "Murder in the Choir Loft." Like all the troupe's productions, it will be a comedy that spoofs the murder mystery genre, and it will be interactive; diners will work to solve the crime, and they may play roles in the drama if they wish. The evening will begin with hors d'oeuvres, wine and a cash bar at 6:30 p.m. Dinner and the performance will follow at 7:15 p.m. Tickets will be $100 per person, with $45 of that amount tax-deductible. All proceeds will benefit the Friends organization and its Two Rivers Chamber Orchestra. Seating will be limited to 55 couples or 110 people. Attire will be evening casual or your best detective outfit. Tickets are available through the Friends website at www.friendswv.org. Or call or email the Friends office at 304-876-5765 or info@friendswv.org. The Friends of Music is a non-profit organization founded in 1999 to support and promote musical excellence in the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia and the surrounding region. It is governed by a board of directors made up of local-area citizens. The Friends' Two Rivers Chamber Orchestra is the only professional chamber orchestra in the Eastern Panhandle and one of only three professional classical music orchestras in the state. It was established by the Friends of Music in 2007 and has been sustained by the Friends since its inception.
Bavarian EV Run
Have you challenged the tourability of your EV? Join us on June 6th for our annual West Virginia meetup. This event will feature a meetup in Charles Town, group drive to Shepherdstown, and lunch at the Bavarian Inn. This year we celebrate the Bavarian's addition of 4 charging stations (2 of which are Tesla). Tentative Agenda (Subject to change) Friday - May 5: • 7 P.M. - Dinner/Drinks at The Devonshire Arms Cafe & Pub (for those who arrive the night before) Saturday - May 6: • 10 A.M. - Meetup at American Public University System, starting at 10 A.M. -Pickup car flag. Light breakfast and coffee will be served. • 12 P.M. - Leave for Shepherdstown. • 1 P.M. - Lunch at the Bavarian Inn. -Tour of new solar installation at Bavarian by MTV Solar.
Shepherdstown Rotary Club Wine-Tasting Dinner
The Rotary Club of Shepherdstown, WV, will hold its annual wine-tasting dinner on Friday, March 10. The event will be held at the Bavarian Inn in Shepherdstown starting at 6:30 p.m. Members of the community are welcome to attend. Admission is $70 per person; $20 of that amount is tax-deductible. The event, now in its 16th year, includes an elegant multi-course dinner featuring wines carefully chosen to complement each course. Wine expert Christina Morris Thornton, of Winesellers Ltd. and The Country Vintner, will preside over the dinner, explaining the history and characteristics of the various wines served. The wines will come from the Inn's award-winning wine list, which contains over 600 different labels. Go to the Shepherdstown Rotary web page at www.shepherdstownrotary.org to download an information packet that includes a registration form, the dinner menu with the wine pairings, and details about the Inn's special room rates. You'll find this packet by clicking on "Activities and Events" in the menu on the left side of the page and then clicking on "Wine Tasting Dinner." The wines served, which are always chosen to be affordably priced, will be available for purchase afterwards by the bottle or case. All proceeds from the sale of dinner tickets and wine purchases will be used to help fund Shepherdstown Rotary programs that benefit children and young adults. Dress for the event will be business formal, with black tie optional. Special room rates will be available at the Inn that weekend for those who choose to stay there while attending the event. The deadline for registering is March 7. For more information, contact sheprotarywtdinner@gmail.com.