Have you experienced a Small Business Saturday in Almost Heaven?

The weekend after Thanksgiving is traditionally one of the busiest weekends of the year for shopping. Black Friday draws millions to their local malls and shopping centers, while Cyber Monday has grown in popularity in recent years. However, businesses across the Mountain State are ready for the day between the two – Small Business Saturday.

Nov. 24 has been designated as Small Business Saturday across West Virginia, attracting many to support local businesses around their community. Cities like Charleston, Bluefield, Parkersburg, Fayetteville, and Morgantown are encouraging their residents to make their way to local shops. According to the United States Small Business Administration, small businesses represent more than 96 percent of all employers in West Virginia.

Many cities like Parkersburg will be holding events like vendor fairs including activities like live music and door prizes. The Mid Ohio Valley Transit Authority will even be offering free parking all day on Saturday. Many of the shops across the Mountain State can help you select the perfect gifts for your loved ones this holiday season. Not only will you be checking off everyone on your gift list, you’ll also be supporting your local economy.

Check with your local Convention and Visitors Bureau for more information on your city’s Small Business Saturday! We hope to see you there!

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This post was last updated on December 23, 2024