
2017 TRAC Fall Photography Workshop

Beginner and advanced photographers are invited to the Three Rivers Avian Center (TRAC) in Brooks, WV, for the opportunity to photograph birds of prey during the spring and fall. The next Birds of Prey Photography Workshop is on Saturday, October 14, 2017. Professional photographer Steven Wayne Rotsch and TRAC co-directors Ron and Wendy Perrone offer amateur to professional photographers the opportunity to capture images of West Virginia’s birds of prey in natural settings. About 10, usually shy, birds of prey will be modeling in natural settings for the cameras, including Regis - The Bald Eagle, Hoolie - A Great Horned Owl, Gimli - The American Kestrel, Nick and Harlan - Two Red-tailed Hawks, Dori - The Peregrine Falcon and more will be available during both the morning and afternoon sessions. The difference between the morning and afternoon sessions are the natural settings where the birds are photographed. Choose between either 1/2 day session or the full day (which includes lunch). Photographers of all skill levels will also be able to pick up technical tips during one-on-one sessions with the instructor. The focus of the workshop is photographing the birds. At least (50) fifty-percent of the registration fees will benefit TRAC, a 501( c) 3 nonprofit organization.

Three Rivers Avian Center Spring Photo Workshop

Beginner and advanced photographers are invited to the Three Rivers Avian Center (TRAC) in Brooks, WV, for the opportunity to photograph birds of prey during the spring and fall. The next Birds of Prey Photography Workshop is on Saturday, October 14, 2017. Professional photographer Steven Wayne Rotsch and TRAC co-directors Ron and Wendy Perrone offer amateur to professional photographers the opportunity to capture images of West Virginia’s birds of prey in natural settings. About 10, usually shy, birds of prey will be modeling in natural settings for the cameras, including Regis - The Bald Eagle, Hoolie - A Great Horned Owl, Gimli - The American Kestrel, Nick and Harlan - Two Red-tailed Hawks, Dori - The Peregrine Falcon and more will be available during both the morning and afternoon sessions. The difference between the morning and afternoon sessions are the natural settings where the birds are photographed. Photographers of all skill levels will also be able to pick up technical tips during one-on-one sessions with the instructor. The focus of the workshop is photographing the birds. At least (50) fifty-percent of the registration fees will benefit TRAC, a 501( c) 3 nonprofit organization. •Participants can sign up for the full-day 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. sessions, which includes lunch for $100, or either the morning session from 9 a.m. to noon or the afternoon session from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. for $50. •Call Steve at 304-541-7574, email Steve at or logon to for more workshop information and a downloadable registration form.

Birds of Prey – Wings of Wonder

Three Rivers Avian Center (TRAC) will present "Birds of Prey - Wings of Wonder" program at 1:00pm at the swimming pool building. Feature live raptors, attendees will see birds up close and learn about habits and habitats of these magnificent creatures. The program is open to the public at no charge and lasts about one hour with time for questions and answers. Free to attend.

Birds of Prey – Wings of Wonder

Three Rivers Avian Center (TRAC) will present "Birds of Prey - Wings of Wonder" program at 1:00pm at the swimming pool building. Feature live raptors, attendees will see birds up close and learn about habits and habitats of these magnificent creatures. The program is open to the public at no charge and lasts about one hour with time for questions and answers. Free to attend. More information:

Watoga State Park – July 30 – BIRDS OF PREY

Three Rivers Avian Center - Birds of Prey Program asks - "Who cooks for me, who cooks for you all?" What bird says this phrase? Come to this Birds of Prey Education Program featuring live birds of prey native to West Virginia. You'll learn about the habitat, diet and behavior of each bird presented, the most common causes of injury to each species and the laws protecting these special birds. A screech, horned and barn owl; a Bald eagle and other feathered friends are part of this special interpretative program. Open to the public and without charge to attend. 2:00 p.m. Meet Regis the Bald Eagle, Perry, the Peregrin Falcon, Hoolie, the Great Horned Owl and other feathered raptors. Free to attend. Great for family and all ages.