Lights Out!
Evil spirits, terrifying monsters & unthinkable horrors await you at ACE Adventure Resort’s Nightmare in the Gorge Haunted Attraction. Hundreds
C & D Bunner Family Spooky Yard Haunt
We are truly a Family Yard Haunt. We have 32 different themed rooms/areas, plus a maze to walk through. Kids Day: October 6 from 1pm - 5pm and October 21 from 1pm - 3pm. All Ages welcome. The kids may wear their costumes these days. We ask that no face masks be worn or anything else on their face please! We will have a face painter available free of charge. The kids get to walk through the Haunt and collect candy and treats. There are no tricks. We will have treat bags to give to the kids this day. The first 50 kids in Saturday and Sunday will receive a T-shirt. Fright Night: October 13 and 27 from 7:30pm - 11:00pm. Please remember this is for ages 12 and up ONLY. These two nights are much darker. All ages welcome, but could be scary for young children; Admission Free; Donations Welcome. Please park at Mt. Nebo Church and walk up or park along side the road were the rope lights are located. We are not handicap accessible.