
Pumpkin Carving Extravaganza!

Watch “Professor of Pumkinology” Scott “Stormin’ Norman as he demonstrates his pumpkin carving skills in this performance on the Library Plaza at the Main Library. Norman of Galva Illinois, calls himself "The Picasso" of pumpkin carving and his skills have gotten him on national television and sporting events. Since 2008, he has traveled throughout the country demonstrating his carving skills. He appeared on America’s Got Talent in 2012, has taught at Disney, worked for the Miami Dolphins, Tampa Bay Lightning, the Ronald McDonald House, and NASA to name a few. He wrote the book “Pumpkins: A Well Rounded View of the Well Rounded Food” after his stint on America’s Got Talent, hence the reason he also calls himself a “professor of pumpkinology.” This program is sponsored by The Friends of the Library. Note: In case of rain this program will be held indoors in the 3rd floor meeting room.

Harvestfest at The Greenbrier

As the colors of fall set in across the Valley, a jubilee of activities abound at The Greebrier resort, from craft beer tastings and fall feasts to pumpkin carving and hay rides. Join the fun!