Floriography: The Secret Language of Flowers
Floriography is a system of communication that uses flowers, plants, and other natural objects to send secret messages to others. Many cultures throughout the years have used a version of floriography, but today it is relatively unknown. Join West Virginia University (WVU) graduate student Alice Morgan and learn more about the rich history of a hidden language and the meanings behind the plants you see every day. Most appropriate for adults. Free for WVBG members; $15 for non-members. Space is limited, register today! Please pre-register for ALL activities 48 hours in advance at www.wvbg.org. All activities take place at the West Virginia Botanic Garden, 1061 Tyrone Road, Morgantown, WV 26508 unless otherwise noted. Park in the lower parking area. Programs will last approximately 1.5-2 hours unless otherwise noted. Donations are appreciated and can be made online, or at the kiosk by the lower lot. Please refrain from bringing your pet to activities.
Museum Day Live!
Museum Day Live! Saturday, September 23, 12:00 – 4:00 pm Pick up an Interpretive Garden check-list and learn about the plants growing in the garden.
Nature in Spring
Spring is a time of growth and renewal in the natural world. WVBG Education Director Erin Smaldone will discuss what plants and animals are doing in nature and the Garden during this time of year. The program will include a slide presentation followed by a walk. All ages. Free. * Registration is required for workshops at least one week prior to the workshop. Registration for free programs is required by the Friday prior to the program. All activities take place at the West Virginia Botanic Garden, 1061 Tyrone Rd., Morgantown, WV 26508 unless otherwise noted. Walks and presentations will last 1.5-2hrs. Please refrain from bringing your pet to activities. Contact us at 304-322-2093 or info@wvbg.org if you have any questions.
Heirloom Plant Sale
Program provided by the Marion County Master Gardeners. All proceeds go to maintaining the gardens at Prickett’s Fort State Park.