A Tour of the Night Sky
Kathryn Williamson, Teaching Assistant Professor and Planetarium Director, WVU Department of Physics & Astronomy, will be leading a tour of the night sky. The evening will start with a talk about some of the highlights in the night sky, including planets, star clusters, and galaxies as well as the origins of the Perseid meteor shower which peaks on August 13. This will be followed, weather permitting, with the opportunity to look at some of these objects through telescopes. Wear warm clothes and keep cell phones on “night mode” to preserve night vision. All ages. Free for WVBG members; $15 for non-members. Space is limited, register today! Please pre-register for ALL activities 48 hours in advance at www.wvbg.org. All activities take place at the West Virginia Botanic Garden, 1061 Tyrone Road, Morgantown, WV 26508 unless otherwise noted. Park in the lower parking area. Programs will last approximately 1.5-2 hours unless otherwise noted. Donations are appreciated and can be made online, or at the kiosk by the lower lot. Please refrain from bringing your pet to activities.