
Kids’ Container Gardening: Pizza in a Bucket!

Join nature enthusiasts and educators, Bethany and Vada Boback for a "Gardening with Kids" workshop. Join us on Earth Day to learn how to plant, care for, and eat what you grow. Workshop includes a "Make and Take" sustainable growing project. Open to children ages 4-14 with an accompanying adult. Please pre-register for ALL activities 48 hours in advance at $20 for WVBG members; $30 for non-members (price is per project). Space is limited, register today! All activities take place at the West Virginia Botanic Garden, 1061 Tyrone Road, Morgantown, WV 26508 unless otherwise noted. Park in the lower parking area. Walks and presentations will last 1.5-2hrs and are free of charge unless otherwise noted. Donations are appreciated and can be made online, or at the kiosk by the lower lot. Please refrain from bringing your pet to activities.