

HEROES DAY: SEPTEMBER 11, 2015 - 8 a.m. – Setting up of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall at Sistersville City Park 9 a.m. – 8 p.m. – the Memorial Wall is On Display for Free Public Viewing 7 p.m. – Local Veterans Organizations will hold a POW/MIA Service at the park (reading names of those from Tyler, Wetzel, Pleasants, Ritchie, and Doddridge Counties who were POW/MIA/KIA during the Vietnam WAR. The local community is invited to attend. >>> Local barbershop quartet will provide patriotic music following this 7 p.m. service. 8 p.m. – Wall will be dismantled and will depart for its next location in Lewis County, WV SEPTEMBER 12, 2015 - Sistersville General Hospital will host a HEROES DAY 5K Run/Walk 8:30 a.m. - HEROES DAY fun walk for Kids 10:00 a.m. - HEROES DAY 5K Walk/Run NOON – Parade entries begin lining up along Riverside Drive 1:00 pm - HEROES DAY PARADE – Viewing Route for the Community is along Rt. 2/Wells Street Immediately following the parade, after allowing adequate time for the parade viewers to make their way down to the City Park, we will have an opening ceremony consisting of: — Welcome — National Anthem — Introductions — Moment of Silence for First Responders Who Died on 9/11/01 — Reading of HR 16 - Delegate Roger Romine — Reading of Proclamation from the Governor or Governor Representative — Greetings from Other Dignitaries — Blessing over all First Responders in Attendance Safety Day Events will follow the ceremony: -- 2 US Army Black Hawk Helicopters will be on display from 2:00 p.m.— 4:30 p.m. -- Impaired Driving Demonstration (goggles) -- Fingerprinting of Children -- Fire Truck Rides -- Smokey Bear -- Local musicians, as well as Country Music singer, Jocelyn Stout (from Quiet Dell, WV), will be providing music at the John Pancake Pavilion -- Concessions will also be available throughout the day