
New River Birding & Nature Festival

Since 2002, the annual New River Birding & Nature Festival has taken place in and around the New River Gorge National River in the heart of the upland, hardwood forests that Cornell Lab of Ornithology, identified as a crucial stopover habitat for the continued survival of species such as Golden-winged, Blue-winged, and Swainson's Warbler, as well as the Scarlet Tanager. This bird and nature watching festival highlights more than 100 bird species on a variety of birding tours. A friendly birding vacation for everyone, the week long event features guided birding and nature excursions, world-class speakers, the finest collection of guides, tasty food, and a back-porch atmosphere unmatched by any other birding festival. Signature guided bird watching experiences include the opportunity to visit a wide range of habitats, world class instruction for those wanting to enhance their birding skills, and the best guide-to-guest ratio on the festival circuit. All skill levels are welcome. With options to suit many budgets, packages range from week-long with cabin accommodations to a single day without lodging. Each day offers a great field trip of your choice, three tasty meals, two knowledge and fun packed presentations, world-class experts you will call friends, and good times!

Margaret Denison Fall Nature Walks

Say goodbye to summer and hello to fall! Choose from a series of guided hikes on a variety of topics led by knowledgeable naturalists. Food and refreshments will be available for purchase following the hikes. Registration begins at 8:30am at the swimming pool parking lot. Hikes will begin at 9am. The fee is $5 for adults and $2 for children to participate. More information:

22nd Annual North River Mills / Ice Mountain Day 2017

Each year we celebrate the by-gone days of this 1700s village. Enjoy a relaxing day in this once-bustling, now quiet hamlet. Usual activities include (Double check closer to the event date): Old time music jam on the porch, Folks clogging/buck or flat foot dancing, Interpretive hay-less ride around the hamlet. Historical re-enactors will likely be camping and participating (French and Indian, Civil War, Native American) Rob Wolford demonstrates blacksmithing.  Model A and Model T Fords, Steam engines and antique tractors and The church ladies provide refreshments. The adjacent quiet dirt lane is a nice place for a hike. C.C. Hall has an excellent site with info about the North River Mills was designated a "Historical Landmark". If you have old photos ( people or structures of the village), we would love to scan them. Often old timers come to swap stories of North River Mills, giving the day a homecoming feel.  Ted Kalvitis, the antique tractor guru, and his better half, Stephanie host a Narrow Gallery (corn crib) art show. Docents lead hikes to the cold vents at Ice Mountain (probably early.)

Osbra Eye Memorial Wildflower Walks

Hit the trails at Kanawha State Forest for the annual Osbra Eye Memorial Wildflower Walks. One of WV's premiere spring wildflower walks! Multiple hike and leaders. See wildflowers and trees in bloom and learn about the general ecology, insects, and herpetology of the forest. Event includes a Variety of Walks, including Wildflowers, Medicinal/Edible Plants, Trees, Beginning and Advanced Birding. (Be sure to bring a camera & binoculars!). There is also the option of a driving tour. Register at 8:30 a.m. at the swimming pool area. Adults $5; Students under 16, $2. Hot dogs, soft drinks, and cookies for sale. Door prizes, raffle. Walks 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Full Moon Hike

Full Moon hikes at Cass Scenic Railroad are led hikes designed to encourage visitors to enjoy being outdoors in wintry and spring weather. Meet at the Visitor's Center at Cass, WV at 9:00p.m. There is no charge to participate. Hike guidelines include: • Fee free activity, but limited to 30 participants. • Preregistration is required. Use email link below or call. • Registration will be confirmed by hike leader. • Meet At The Visitor Center • Hike is approximately 3 miles total. • Walk begins from the Visitor Center to MM 79 On The Greenbrier River Trail and back. • Trail is crushed gravel and minimal grade change. • Dress for the weather. Boots or closed toes footwear, socks, layered outerwear is recommended. Oh! headwear and gloves could be handy. • Pack a water or snack. • Photography is permitted, but flash photography is not. We'll need to retain our night vision. • NO FLASHLIGHTS OR HEADLAMPS. Shining a bright flashlight will diminish your night vision for up to 30 minutes, limiting your view of the night sky and wildlife. You can bring a flashlight for the 'just in case' but refrain from shining – we'll let the moon and stars do that! • Participants should be believe they can complete three miles. You can do it! The Full Moon Hike group will remain together for the duration of the walk/hike. Safety first. • Children must be with a parent or guardian at all times. • Well behaved dogs are allowed. Dogs will rely on their human to keep them on leash and under control. • Due to limited participation (30), large groups (10 or more people) desiring to participate should contact the leader, email below. • Use Full Moon Hike miles as some of the miles hiking if you are enrolled in the WV State Park Hiking Program.

Full Moon Hike (Cass Scenic Railroad SP)

Full Moon hikes at Cass Scenic Railroad are led hikes designed to encourage visitors to enjoy being outdoors in wintry and spring weather. Meet at the Visitor's Center at Cass, WV at 6:30p.m. There is no charge to participate. Hike guidelines include: • Fee free activity, but limited to 30 participants. • Preregistration is required. Use email link below or call. • Registration will be confirmed by hike leader. • Meet At The Visitor Center • Hike is approximately 3 miles total. • Walk begins from the Visitor Center to MM 79 On The Greenbrier River Trail and back. • Trail is crushed gravel and minimal grade change. • Dress for the weather. Boots or closed toes footwear, socks, layered outerwear is recommended. Oh! Headwear and gloves could be handy. • Pack a water and/or snack. • Photography is permitted, but flash photography is not. We'll need to retain our night vision. • NO FLASHLIGHTS OR HEADLAMPS. Shining a bright flashlight will diminish your night vision for up to 30 minutes, limiting your view of the night sky and wildlife. You can bring a flashlight for the 'just in case' but refrain from shining – we'll let the moon and stars do that! • Participants should be believe they can complete three miles. You can do it! The Full Moon Hike group will remain together for the duration of the walk/hike. Safety first. • Children must be with a parent or guardian at all times. • Well behaved dogs are allowed. Dogs will rely on their human to keep them on leash and under control. • Due to limited participation (30), large groups (10 or more people)