
Bavarian EV Run

Have you challenged the tourability of your EV? Join us on June 6th for our annual West Virginia meetup. This event will feature a meetup in Charles Town, group drive to Shepherdstown, and lunch at the Bavarian Inn. This year we celebrate the Bavarian's addition of 4 charging stations (2 of which are Tesla). Tentative Agenda (Subject to change) Friday - May 5: • 7 P.M. - Dinner/Drinks at The Devonshire Arms Cafe & Pub (for those who arrive the night before) Saturday - May 6: • 10 A.M. - Meetup at American Public University System, starting at 10 A.M. -Pickup car flag. Light breakfast and coffee will be served. • 12 P.M. - Leave for Shepherdstown. • 1 P.M. - Lunch at the Bavarian Inn. -Tour of new solar installation at Bavarian by MTV Solar.