Unexpected Invasives
A look at why some plants are invasive, what is the result of their invading, and what can be done. Join George W. Longenecker, Professor Emeritus, Landscape Architecture, WVU for a presentation on the identification and ecology of invasive plants in our region. A short walk will follow. Most appropriate for adults. Please pre-register for ALL activities 48 hours in advance at www.wvbg.org. $5 for WVBG members, $15 for non-members. Space is limited, register today! All activities take place at the West Virginia Botanic Garden, 1061 Tyrone Road, Morgantown, WV 26508 unless otherwise noted. Park in the lower parking area. Walks and presentations will last 1.5-2hrs and are free of charge unless otherwise noted. Donations are appreciated and can be made online, or at the kiosk by the lower lot. Please refrain from bringing your pet to activities.
Osbra Eye Memorial Wildflower Walks
Hit the trails at Kanawha State Forest for the annual Osbra Eye Memorial Wildflower Walks. One of WV's premiere spring wildflower walks! Multiple hike and leaders. See wildflowers and trees in bloom and learn about the general ecology, insects, and herpetology of the forest. Event includes a Variety of Walks, including Wildflowers, Medicinal/Edible Plants, Trees, Beginning and Advanced Birding. (Be sure to bring a camera & binoculars!). There is also the option of a driving tour. Register at 8:30 a.m. at the swimming pool area. Adults $5; Students under 16, $2. Hot dogs, soft drinks, and cookies for sale. Door prizes, raffle. Walks 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.