Free Open House at Buffalo Gap Retreat, Capon Bridge
Enjoy the fall foliage while listening to music, doing yoga, getting a seated massage, sitting in a wood-burning sauna and so much more.
Capon Bridge Founders Day Festival 2017
Food and Craft; Fri Concert, 6pm - 8pm; Booths & Activities all day Saturday and Sunday; 5 K Run, 10 AM, (9:00 AM Registration), Saturday, September 24; Apple Butter making, Sunday, 9/25/2017; Car Show, Sunday, September 25; Lumberjack Competition, 1 PM Saturday, 9/24/2017; Chili Cookoff, Noon Sunday, 9/25/2017; Free Admission; Free Shuttle to Parking; Please No Pets
Tall Tales and Trivia Around the Campfire at Fort Edwards, WV
Gather with us at 7:30 pm for a relaxing evening of Tall Tales and Trivia Game about the history of Hampshire County and nearby locations. FREE Everyone welcome.
Archery / Bow Shooting Match at Fort Edwards, WV
Bow hunting for game was common for all hunters of the 1750's, settlers and indians. Come practice your archery skills with instruction by a certified archery instructor. Open to anyone 8 years and older. FREE