
Summer Beach Party & Night Swim

Children 12 and under $4

Independence Day (4th of July) Celebration at Cacapon Resort State Park

Creative fun for kids and for the adults, a cool place to relax and celebrate the 4th of July. Starting at 10am at Cacapon State Park (near the picnic area and Nature Center) will be the 12 Habits For Wonderful People booth which will have poster “blanks” and lots of fun and creative materials from glitter to stickers to stampers for kids and adults alike to explore their artistic side. Participants will be asked to make Wonderful People posters for one of the 12 months of their choice with uplifting messages for each month. The hand-made posters will be distributed to our Ambassadors and displayed throughout our community. Listen to Patriotic Music as the Morgan Community Concert Band as they perform at the Gazebo. The program is open to the public at no charge. Contact: Renee Fincham, 304-258-1022 X 5209