
Lecture: Ancient Earthworks in the Middle Ohio Valley

Ancient Earthworks in the Middle Ohio Valley: Discovering New Sites and Re-examining the Old By Jarrod Burks, PhD, Director of Archaeological Geophysics, Ohio Valley Archaeology, Inc. The Middle Ohio Valley is rich in ancient moments--circles, squares, and even more exotic shapes; most were built about 1800 years ago. Though many sites were mapped in the 19th century and still more mounds were excavated, these may be the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Recent aerial photograph analysis and on-the-ground geophysical surveys have found a surprising number of previously undocumented enclosure sites, as well as many new features at well-known sites. Join us as we explore these new discoveries and see first-hand some of the exciting new scientific data that is leading scholars into a new era of earthwork research in our region.

Archaeology Month Lecture: “Ancient Earthworks in the Middle Ohio Valley: Discovering New Sites and Re-examining the Old”

Archaeology Month Lecture: “Ancient Earthworks in the Middle Ohio Valley: Discovering New Sites and Re-examining the Old” By Jarrod Burks, PhD, Director of Archaeological Geophysics, Ohio Valley Archaeology, Inc. The Middle Ohio Valley is rich in ancient moments--circles, squares, and even more exotic shapes; most were built about 1800 years ago. Recent aerial photograph analysis and on-the-ground geophysical surveys have found a surprising number of previously undocumented enclosure sites, as well as many new features at well-known sites.