Revolutionary, founding father, printer, scientist, inventor, journalist, traveler, diplomat, thinker, civic leader, natural philosopher, humorist, librarian, organizer, militia member, international celebrity, and quintessential American, Benjamin Franklin was one of the most extraordinary men in history and the most famous American of his time.
Benjamin Franklin was the only founding father to sign the Declaration of Independence, Treaty of Paris, and the United States Constitution. It is most fitting that he visits Watoga State Park during the July 4th week.
History Alive is a program of first-person portrayals of historical figures by presenters who have conducted scholarly research on their character. Portrayed by Leon Alexander of Charleston, WV, Benjamin Franklin will be at Watoga State Park Activities Building. Start time is 7:00 p.m. Program lasts about one hour. Family-friendly. Questions and conversation. Open to the public at no cost.