Our Indigenous Voices in Appalachia program continues on September 21st featuring Cherokee artists Nathan Bush, Matt Tooni, Amanda McCoy, and Kody Grant. There will be workshops and presentations on copper art, finger weaving, the Cherokee language, and more. This free event will be held at the Appalachian Forest Discovery Center (101 Railroad Ave, Elkins), followed by an Evening Performance at the Arts Center (2 Park St, Elkins). View full schedule and presenter bios at https://www.appalachianforestnha.org/news-archives/cherokee-showcase
9:30 AM – Appalachian Forest Discovery Center open
10:00 AM – Cherokee Finger Weaving (Amanda McCoy)
11:00 AM – Make and Take Workshop: Copper Comes to Life*
12:00 PM – Sequoyah and the Talking Leaves (Matt Tooni)
1:00 PM – Make and Take Workshop: Learn the Art of Finger Weaving*
1:00 PM – Cherokee Ways of Life (Kody Grant)
2:00 PM – Copper from Creation (Nathan Bush)
3:00 PM – Music is Life (Matt Tooni)
6:30 PM – Evening Performance at the Arts Center (2 Park St, Elkins): Cherokee Dance, Storytelling, and Musical Extravaganza!
*Pre-registration and fee required for workshops: email larry@afnha.org