10 West Virginia Views That Will Make Your Camera Roll Come to Life
It doesn’t take long to find a scenic view in Almost Heaven. Acres of rolling hills, waterside cliff views and mountaintop vistas create what feels like a live painting that captures West Virginia’s best features.
While there are many more views that will bring life to your camera roll this summer, here are 10 that truly represent the unique beauty of the Mountain State.

Coopers Rock
Coopers Rock State Forest
Explorer Tip: Get your selfie taken at the #AlmostHeaven swing on your way to the overlook!

Seneca Rocks
Spruce Knob-Seneca Rocks National Recreation Area
You’ll want to also make the drive to the top of Spruce Knob, which is the highest point in the state. An observation tower just beyond the parking area offers breathtaking views atop the 4,863-foot Spruce Mountain.

Lindy Point
Blackwater Falls State Park
Explorer Tip: If you’re also exploring Blackwater Falls, be sure to check in on the West Virginia Waterfall Trail and get your selfie taken on the #AlmostHeaven swing!

Cranny Crow
Lost River State Park

Grand Vue Park
Explorer Tip: Look for the #AlmostHeaven swing and get your selfie taken on it!

Fort Boreman Hill

Maryland Heights
Harpers Ferry National Historical Park
In Harpers Ferry, you can climb the steps past St. Peter’s Catholic Church to the overlook of Jefferson Rock, which is where President Thomas Jefferson once stood and admired the beauty of the connecting rivers.

Long Point Trail
New River Gorge National Park and Preserve
Hiking tip: If you’re exploring after a heavy rain fall, wear your best hiking footwear as there will be a few muddy sections along the way!

Hanging Rock Raptor Observatory
Monroe County

Carnifex Ferry
Gauley River National Recreation Area
There are plenty of other scenic spots to capture for your camera roll. Request our free West Virginia Vacation Guide and share your memories on social media using #AlmostHeaven!
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This post was last updated on July 21, 2024