
Pricketts Fort Buckwheat Pancake Breakfast

Help us celebrate the first week of spring with a delicious buckwheat breakfast catered by Linda Jack. History Alive presentation on Julia Child begins at 11:30 am. Price includes meal and audio tour of the fort. Breakfast and tour $14.50 (must RSVP for breakfast by Wednesday, March 22).

Pricketts Fort 18th C. Firearms & Accoutrements Show

Visitors will find knife makers, 18th C gun builders, powder horn makers, leather hunting pouches and other products that are pertinent to the early frontier. Their new self-guided audio tour will also be available.

Pricketts Fort 18th C. Firearms & Accoutrements Show

Visitors will find knife makers, 18th C gun builders, powder horn makers, leather hunting pouches and other products that are pertinent to the early frontier. Their new self-guided audio tour will also be available.