
Morgan County Master Gardener’s Annual Plant Fair

20th Annual WVU Extension Master Gardener’s Plant Fair Berkeley Springs State Park, Fairfax Street & RT. 522, Downtown Berkeley Springs WV 25411 This year’s theme: “Fruit Trees And Pollinators” Fri. May 11th 2018: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Sat. May 12th 2018: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm *We will be selling all varieties of plants: vegetables, herbs, flowers, and house plants *There will be vendors selling garden art, crafts & pottery, food and fun! *We will have a “Plant Doctor” on call *There will be tours of beautiful gardens in downtown Berkeley Springs. *Children’s Area – With activities and FREE Plants for children to give to Mom for Mother’s Day! *There will be a raffle of a gardening utility wagon FULL of new garden themed items donated by the Morgan County Master Gardeners THIS IS A FABULOUS EVENT TO ATTEND WITH YOUR MOM FOR MOTHER’S DAY! RAIN OR SHINE!