Native American Heritage Gathering
This annual two-day event features snakes and raptors, Living History presentations, Red River Drum, dancing and storytelling. There will be food and craft vendors and children’s activities. The North House Museum will open a related exhibit of Native American art and craft. Find us on the grounds of the North House Museum and New River Community and Technical College, also known as Academy Park. Elementary Schools are specially invited on Friday.
Lecture – “Early Native Americans in West Virginia: The Fort Ancient Culture”
Based on research for her book, Darla I. Spencer, Author and Registered Professional Archaeologist (RPA), of the same title, Ms. Spencer will present an illustrated summary of what is currently known about the Fort Ancient people in West Virginia. A book signing will follow the lecture.
Native American Heritage Month Lecture: The Trail of Tears Experience of Ohio’s Iroquois
Christopher B. Chaney, Unit Chief, Criminal Justice Information Law Unit, FBI Office of the General Counsel Mr. Chaney is a member of the Seneca-Cayuga Nation from Oklahoma who currently resides in West Virginia. In 1832, Seneca and Shawnee tribal members living in Ohio were forcibly removed from their homes and faced deprivation and death on the Trail of Tears. Upon arrival in Indian Territory (now Oklahoma), the tribal members forged a new way of life only to find their dreams shattered by the Civil War. Key to the survival of the Seneca-Cayuga Nation during this tumultuous time was Quashacaugh, also known as Lewis Davis, who is Mr. Chaney’s great- great-grandfather.
We Shall Remain: After the Mayflower
See the “First Thanksgiving” through Native American eyes in this episode of American Experience produced by PBS.