Shepherdstown 4th of July Parade and Picnic
The historic town of Shepherdstown WV will hold its annual Independence Day parade and community picnic on Wednesday, July 4. Both events will be held rain or shine. Everyone is welcome at both events and admission will be free. The parade and picnic are organized annually by the Rotary Club of Shepherdstown. The goal is to provide wholesome, family-oriented 4th of July events that everyone can enjoy. If you're looking for an old-fashioned, small-town 4th of July celebration, this is it. The parade will be held starting at 11:00 a.m. downtown. It will last about an hour. Entries will include veteran's groups, antique vehicles, local societies and organizations of all kinds, local businesses, government officials, children's groups, animals, historical re-enactors, fire trucks, and more. Plenty of parade parking will be available in the Shepherd University parking lot at the edge of downtown on High Street. The picnic will be held right after the parade, from 12:00 noon to 3:00 p.m., in the pavilion at Morgan's Gove Park on Kearneysville Pike (Route 480) just southwest of town. The picnic will feature live music, with two popular local bands. The Speakeasy Boys will play from noon to 1:30 p.m. and the Gypsy Ramblers will play from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. There will be lots of free children's activities, including a waterslide, scavenger hunt, a water balloon toss, face painting, and more. The Rotary Club will be selling hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, and non-alcoholic beverages at reasonable prices. All proceeds from those sales are used to help cover event costs. People can bring their own picnic lunches if they prefer. There is plenty of parking at the park. For more information go to the Rotary Club website at, or go to "Shepherdstown 4th of July Parade and Picnic" on Facebook, or contact Rotarian Peter Smith at 304-876-1139 or
22nd Annual North River Mills / Ice Mountain Day 2017
Each year we celebrate the by-gone days of this 1700s village. Enjoy a relaxing day in this once-bustling, now quiet hamlet. Usual activities include (Double check closer to the event date): Old time music jam on the porch, Folks clogging/buck or flat foot dancing, Interpretive hay-less ride around the hamlet. Historical re-enactors will likely be camping and participating (French and Indian, Civil War, Native American) Rob Wolford demonstrates blacksmithing. Model A and Model T Fords, Steam engines and antique tractors and The church ladies provide refreshments. The adjacent quiet dirt lane is a nice place for a hike. C.C. Hall has an excellent site with info about the North River Mills was designated a "Historical Landmark". If you have old photos ( people or structures of the village), we would love to scan them. Often old timers come to swap stories of North River Mills, giving the day a homecoming feel. Ted Kalvitis, the antique tractor guru, and his better half, Stephanie host a Narrow Gallery (corn crib) art show. Docents lead hikes to the cold vents at Ice Mountain (probably early.)