Victorian Home and Garden Tour & Tea
Come to the “Square” and enjoy a Victorian afternoon
visiting the verandahs and gardens of Julia-Ann Square Historic District,
Parkersburg, WV. Guests will tour the
first floors of some of the historic homes.
The self-guided Tour will take place on Saturday, June 6
and Sunday June 7, 2015 at 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM.
A “Tea on the Verandah” will be included. The cost is $15.00. Children 10 and under are admitted free with
an adult.
Tour tickets will be sold at 1203 Ann Street. Guests may also purchase tickets at the
Caswell-Smith House, 1024 Juliana Street.
There will be a plant sale at the “Castle” on Ann Street as well as
other interesting stops.