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Gobble Gobble: Spring Turkey Season in Almost Heaven

With the arrival of budding trees and warmer weather in Almost Heaven comes the annual five-week-long turkey hunting season. With an abundance of wildlife and scenic outdoor views, West Virginia is the perfect place to hunt game and welcome in the spring season.

This year, from April 19th to May 23rd, hunters can anticipate tracking down a bearded turkey while traversing the scenic wooded areas that serve to highlight the state’s unmatched beauty.

Family Fun:

Before the official season begins on April 19th young hunters can get the first picking on Saturday, April 17th. Carrying out beloved family traditions, this spring gobbler season will be full of new memory-making.

Safety First:

In order to ensure each hunter has not only an enjoyable, but a safe hunting season, the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources has put in place the following rules:

-Hunting hours will be from sunrise to 1 p.m.

-Hunters cannot have an uncased firearm, bow, or crossbow in their possession in the woods any time after 1 p.m.

-Dogs are not permitted to assist in hunting efforts.

-Electronic turkey calls are prohibited.

Hunters will be allowed to hunt bearded turkey only, with a limit of one bird per day and a season bag limit of two. For more information, visit the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources Hunting and Trapping Regulations Summary.

Ready to start planning your spring getaway? Order your FREE copy of the 2021 West Virginia Vacation Guide today!

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