Update your event/listing

If you are submitting a new listing or event and have not previously created an account: 

You will need to register to create a new account.

If you had a listing or event on the previous website with an associated email address: 

You can use the email address that was on file to retrieve your password and log in.

If you had a listing or event on the previous website with no associated email address: 

You will need to register to create a new account

Once you have your password, you can log in here.


  1. Why is my listing wrong?
    • All listings are managed by our partners. When we launched the website, we did so with the newest information that we had. Corrections and changes can be submitted by creating an account, logging in and submitting your changes for review.
  2. How can I correct my listing?
  3. Why are some fields about my listing required?
    • For consistency and usability, we require that certain information be displayed with your listing. Any listings missing required information will be required to add that information when submitting changes.
  4. Why can’t I see my listing when I log in?
    • Listings are associated with partner accounts using email addresses. Be sure that either the contact email or the public email address is associated with your user account or you will not be able to edit your listing.
  5. Why can’t I see my listing after I submit changes?
    • All partner submissions are moderated to ensure that they are accurate and contain no questionable content. Once your listing has been approved, it will be visible to the public.
  6. Why are there two fields for email addresses?
    • The email address (“Email”) submitted in the first field is visible to the public and users browsing the listings. The email address submitted in the second field (“Contact Email”) is used by the Department of Tourism to contact you regarding your listing.
  7. What if I can’t remember my password?
    • You can reset your password here.
  8. How do I log in?
    • You can login with your password here.
  9. How can I contact you with additional questions?
    • For additional questions and comments, please contact a member of our team.